Sunday, March 9, 2008

Blizzard '08 and Super Smash Brothers Brawl

The Blizzard of 2008 has come and gone here in central Ohio, setting records and leaving behind a huge mess of snow, expected to melt in the next few days and add flooding to the list of weather issues plaguing the state.

It arrived Friday morning, just after I had gotten to work, and ended last night (Saturday) around 4 PM. I had to drive home in it on Friday, during rush hour traffic, and it was a nightmare. My total of bad driving days so far this winter is now fourteen, with the first twelve occurring during morning rush hours.

Saturday was a snow day for Monique and I, and for most of the city of Columbus, as we were both able to get out of going to work. We stayed indoors and relaxed, waiting for the storm to break. Sunday morning I got up and decided to clear off our cars, which looked like this:

After clearing off our cars, and warming up mine, I decided to get it out of the parking space by doing the whole back-and-forth thing and punching through the wall of plowed snow in front of it. It's a skill I'm sure many drivers in places like this have picked up over the years, and I was immediately successful. I did the same for Monique's car later.

Feeling froggy, I decided to make a daring attempt to drive to Wal-Mart for the week's groceries. On the way there, the car in front of me spun out and into a roadside snow bank. It took the driver a few minutes to extracate himself from that situation and get moving again. This was just before a stop light, and I too had difficulty moving forward from a dead stop once the light turned green. In fact, my engine stalled out, scaring the hell out of me. Looking in my rear view mirror, I saw a SUV behind me repeat the same snowbank crash that the driver ahead of me had done so well.

Wal-Mart looked a little like one of those old nuclear war movies, where a panicked citizenry was making a run on the grocery stores, taking everything they could. The Wal-Mart staff was scrambling to restock, but some of the most basic items, from iceberg lettuce to beef, were gone. What they were stocked up on were copies of Super Smash Brothers Brawl for the Wii.

Smash Brothers is one of the Nintendo franchises that I've never been into, mostly because I've never really been into fighting games, but the hype - oh the endless hype - regarding Brawl has been impossible to drown out. So last week I started to read up on the game. What caught my attention were features such as a decently-reviewed adventure mode, online play, and seemingly endless play modes and customization.

So, I surrendered to the hype and picked up a copy. The electronics department lady told me that they started selling it at midnight, along with about nine Wii consoles, which of course were camped and bought immediately thereafterwards.

On my way home, there was a fender-bender near Wal-Mart, and another one at that slippery spot I passed through on the way in. I made it home okay, though, and carefully eased Monique into the fact that I just bought another game. She took it well - I have a very understanding fiance'.

Monique and I tried out Super Smash Brothers Brawl a little later, trying to figure out the controls, and basically what the hell was happening on the screen sometimes. The power-ups, the weird special attacks, it all creates a cacaphony of music and effects that often left us wondering who did what and what did it do.

It seems like fun, and tomorrow I plan to really sink my teeth into it and see what I can figure out. It's always good to have a new game to play with when you're snowed in, and even though the truck with the iceberg lettuce was unable to reach Wal-Mart, at least the truck with Super Smash Brothers Brawl did. I'll do a full report later.

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